The Lesbian Peep Show
A celebration of lesbian/sapphic/dyke culture and identities from author, ghost writer and midwestern lesbian: Erin Brown. Includes: queer history, content reviews, identity development, body politics, relationships and celebration.
The Lesbian Peep Show
Starring in sapphic reality TV with Lailah Muscat and Meg Homer
Erin Brown
Erin talks with Meg Homer and Lailah Muscat about their experience filming the Sapphic UK reality series I Kissed A Girl. We talk about what it was like going in, how they ended up getting together, post show gossip and the impact it’s had since. These two are so delightful, I hope this episode brings you some joy.
You can find Erin @iamerinbrown
The Sapphic Syllabus
More about the podcast