The Lesbian Peep Show
A celebration of lesbian/sapphic/dyke culture and identities from author, ghost writer and midwestern lesbian: Erin Brown. Includes: queer history, content reviews, identity development, body politics, relationships and celebration.
The Lesbian Peep Show
How to face sit and other lesbian sex frontiers with Rachel B Turner (BEST OF)
Erin Brown
Rachel and Erin talk about some actual lesbian sex logistics we wish anyone had ever told us about (instead of it all seeming like a giant mystery).
You can find Rachel on instagram at @rachelbturner_
use code ERIN
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can be canceled at any time
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monthly subscription: € 14.90
annual subscription: € 9.90 per month)
You can find Erin @iamerinbrown
The Sapphic Syllabus
More about the podcast